Happy casino lottery winners of 270 Million dollars

Casino Winner Online
11th August 2011

Happy casino lottery winners of 270 Million dollars


For most people winning a huge jackpot or a playing blackjack or roulette and hitting an amazing winning streak is the perfect tonic. The endorphines certainly start to flow after the cash starts rolling in.

However, different people handle a large casino win in different ways. Most people buy at least a few extravagant items. This couple from the states however, are strokes apart.

In this amazing youtube video clip, you can see how real life winners Tonya och Robert Harris celebrated their 270 Million Dollar Win! I wonder how long they will stay together!


Happy casino lottery winners youtube clip!


But You TOO can  be a CASINO WINNER and hit a huge jackpot.


We recommend you check out the current largest online jackpots and then get to work. We hope you will provide a more inspirational youtube video when you hit your Jackpot!



















































































Author Casino Winner Online